Saturday 31 October 2009

First Steps Computing

This is a 10 week long course. Each session is for two hours. During the ten weeks, learners will have an opportunity to be introduced to using Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Internet Explorer, PowerPoint and if time permits Access.

This is a trial for linking to the files used in Week 1

Saturday 19 September 2009

Week 1

This week will be an introduction to the Course, Health and safety, an overview of the course and a preliminary assessment - an opportunity to find out the skills levels of all course members. The main topics we will be looking at is an Introduction to Windows, manipulating windows, using the Keyboard and the mouse. We will also take a quick look at how a computer works, what are the components required for using IT.
We will address switching on the computer, turning it on and off, take a quick tour of the desktop, icons, starting and quitting a programme.

You will find some of the resources you need for this lesson at this site...

Welcome to my blog @ Chestnut Centre

This is a test run, to see whether I can use a blog for teaching. I have uploaded some of the resources used for course work on to the blog for easy access. Some of the resources I have created from scratch, others have been adapted from course material exchanged with like minded colleagues and materials I have used in the past.

Here are some of the resources used for the lesson.C:/Users/Sasi/Desktop/Intro%20to%20IT